Microsoft has delivered a mobile-first experience for Microsoft Teams Phone!
Currently, Operator Connect Mobile is available through Microsoft's Operator Connect Partners, BT, Rogers, Swisscom, Telia and Verizon. You no longer have to rely on the Teams app on your phone. Your cell phone natively becomes a Teams Phone endpoint! Inbound and outbound calling is routed via Teams because Teams becomes the cell phone's PSTN connection.
Benefits of using Operator Connect Mobile (OCM):
Use your cell phone's native dialer.
Teams policies apply for caller ID.
Outbound calls can show your corporate main number or call center number.
Power of Teams on your native mobile device.
Uses Teams voicemail.
Single platform for call history.
Teams presence will show you are using your cell phone.
Simultaneous ring or call forwarding is no longer needed.
Existing Teams compliance session recording solutions will work for both inbound and outbound calls on your mobile phone.
A few things missing as of release is SMS from your cell. You can still send text messages from your cell phone, but they will not flow or sync through Teams. However, this is on their roadmap and a feature you can expect. Your cell phone number needs to be managed by your business. Which means you can't use OCM with your personal Verizon account, your number must be transferred to your business mobile plan. OCM is only available if you are an Operator Connect customer. You cannot use OCM with a MS Calling Plan or Direct Routing.
Another great opportunity to enable your Mobile users to excel!